Our work is influenced by the Framework for Quality Maternal and Newborn Care published in the Lancet series on Midwifery (Renfrew et al, 2014).
We have four distinct inter-related program areas all designed to identify and respond to the system level changes needed to implement sustainable universally accessible continuity of midwifery care.
The four programs of work incorporate, both independently and collectively, the five themes of policy, regulation, legislation, funding and social justice for First Peoples.
Practice Translation
Generate and translate research into practice to provide safe, effective, respectful and value-based maternity care.
Identify, develop, implement, and evaluate strategies that promote leadership, professionalism, collaboration and support the well-being of the maternity workforce.
Champion midwifery education as a critical component to influence value-based quality maternity care and support the current and future workforce.
Public Health
Promote the public health role of midwives and highlight the evidence that supports transformation of maternity care to the primary health setting.